Home . . . it’s something we all long for.

No matter what type of home you grew up in, there’s is something within you that wants to be and feel at home. And no matter what type of home you grew up in – whether it was idyllic or far from it – we all have a sense of what “home” is and what home isn’t.

For example, we all know that just because you own a house, it doesn’t mean it’s a home. In the same way, you can rent a house or apartment and it very much can be your home. Home is so much more than four walls and a roof over one’s head. And home transcends the physical or material, and becomes something spiritual.

We all long for home. A place of welcoming, acceptance, and security. We look for this place and we hope to create this type of place for ourselves and our loved ones.

And this type of home is exactly what Meta Church has become for so many people over the past year. We’ve seen our church grow, lives transformed, and people step into community and purpose while finding healing and acceptance. Our church has become more than a church – it’s become a home!

In week 1 of our series, A Place Called Home, Pastor Ricky Ortiz speaks about the work and transformation that has taken place across our church and how this sets us up for the type of church and community God is calling us to become for so many!