To be bankrupt is “to be completely lacking in a particular desirable quality or attribute.” Unfortunately, this adequately describes many followers of Jesus when it comes to Generosity. Too many Christians are living “paycheck-to-paycheck” spiritually, held captive by things like fear, greed, idolatry, or pride.

What’s tragic about this is that this is not who God is, nor is it who He calls His children to be! God’s nature is generosity. In fact, throughout scripture, He’s described as giving, generous, and even lavish! And then He takes it a step beyond and calls His people and live and be like Him in all areas, including generosity.

Unfortunately, most Christians don’t live or give at the level of generosity that they’ve received from God. According to 2022 study by the Barna Research Group, 79% of self-identifying Christians DO NOT give at a generous level to their local church despite God’s instruction to do so.

The data for those at Meta Church lines up with this in a similar way. But in this opening message of our BANKRUPT series, Pastor Ricky Ortiz delivers a word identifying the strongholds that are holding us back and keeping us from becoming like Christ, challenging us to leave these strongholds behind.