The Gospels reveal and demonstrate Jesus’s incredible power to change conditions, circumstances, and lives. So much so, that no matter where Jesus went crowds followed behind hoping to witness or experience change of miraculous proportions themselves.

Yet, it seemed like so many people were more concerned about what they could get from Jesus rather than actually being with Jesus. Sadly, this same mindset permeates the lives and faith of many believers today…

“I’ll follow Jesus if he gives me what I want…”

“I need God to provide me a new job so I can have more money…”

“I need Jesus to heal me so I can be pain-free…”

“I want a partner so I no longer feel alone…”

These desires are not wrong in and of themselves. But the moment you start becoming more concerned or enamored with the gift and not the Giver, or the provision and not the Provider, or the healing and not the Healer, you’ve missed the mark!

In the closing week of our CHANGED series, Pastor Ricky Ortiz shares the final component needed to experience lasting change.