We often think of Mary, the mother of Jesus, as this woman filled with “blind faith” who easily believed and accepted what the angel had told her about giving birth to the Messiah. But that wasn’t necessarily the case. Mary had lots of questions and her faith was instantly challenged by some immediate problems. And the same is true for us today…

What would it take for you to stand in awe of God once more? What would He have to do? What provision would you need? What breakthrough would need to happen? What miracle would you need to see? And how inclined are you to believe it could happen?

As soon as we think of what could be, we’re confronted with problems about our identity (Why would God do this for me?), with problems about doubt and the likelihood of it happening (What evidence do I have to believe this could happen?), and with problems of trust (Is God really capable of following through on this?).

But if we want to stand in awe and wonder, then we’re going to have to identify these problems and navigate through them. Fortunately, we have Mary’s example in Luke 1 that we can follow and learn from.