Recently, the United States Surgeon General published an 82-page public health advisory titled, “The Epidemic of Loneliness and Isolation,” outlining the dangers and troubles being experienced across our society due to the lack of community. It’s clear that the need for meaningful community is more important than ever before.

Fortunately, God – in His divine wisdom and foresight – understood our innate need for community and provided a solution: The Church! It’s in the context of a church community that you’re able to experience the power, freedom, love, and strength God intends for you to have. And that’s because there is enormous power available to you when you’re in a community.

In this week’s message, Pastor Ricky Ortiz shares the core pillars of what makes our community at Meta Church so powerful. These pillars are displayed in the life of the Apostle Paul, and they serve as an example for what we aspire to create at Meta Church.