Approval is something we all want.
We want to be “good enough” for others and feel like we’re accepted by them. So many people are stuck in a repetitive cycle of seeking the approval of others…
Parents… Bosses… Spouses… Friends… Colleagues…
But no matter how hard they try, they can’t seem to find the level of approval that they’re desperate for.
In some ways, they live for the approval of others but then they’re crushed by their disapproval. And when we experience disapproval – regardless of who it’s from or where it comes from – we internalize it to mean that we’re invalid.
In this week’s message, Pastor Ricky Ortiz tells a story of a 38-year old crippled man (found in John 5) who carried the label “invalid” and felt disregarded, overlooked, and disapproved by others. From this story, he shares a deeply vulnerable message about the things God is teaching him in his own life regarding approval, validation, and freedom.
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