Nobody wants to be called GREEDY. At the end of the day, it’s just not a desirable characteristic…

That’s why parents and educators teach children to share. It’s why we get angry when corporations and CEOs leverage COVID or inflation to increase revenue and pad their pockets. And it’s also why there is no such thing as a “greedy filter” on dating apps, because nobody wants that!!

BUT… what if this thing that we say we despise is actually something that’s a part of each of us? And what if this characteristic we say we hate is actually within each of us??

This is the way God sees it when we choose to withhold our tithes and offerings from Him. According to God in Malachi 3:8-10, we can either choose to cheat God of the offerings due Him, or we can test Him. And God gives a strong warning to His people when they choose to reject a Spirit of Generosity and succumb to the Stronghold of Greed.

In this week’s message from Meta Church, Pastor Ricky Ortiz shares the key to breaking free from the Stronghold of Greed and extends an invitation for us to test God in this area and see if He will provide!