Pornography addiction has become a national epidemic across the United States. More people than ever before are finding themselves addicted to pornography and starting at a younger age. According to recent research, 7/10 men and at least 4/10 women will look at pornography at some point this year!

The fact of the matter is that pornography reaches and impacts just about everyone, leaving so many people feeling defeated, discouraged, and in despair. In fact, many people feel like they are overcome by porn and unable to experience healing, freedom, and victory.

But that’s not true! God desires to provide healing, freedom, and victory for His sons and daughters!

And the good news is there is a path you can follow that will lead you to wholeness and breaking free from this bondage. In this sermon, Pastor Ricky Ortiz shares the steps he’s followed that led to his over personal healing, freedom, and victory in the area of pornography.