The world makes a big deal about focusing on your SELF…
Self-image… Self-ambition… Self-motivated… Self-esteem… Self-confidence…
So what’s the problem?
Well, it’s the one thing these all share in common: SELF!
While the world might celebrate and rejoice in our selves, Jesus said in Matthew 16:24 that if we want to be His followers we must “deny ourSELVES.”
Why is this the case? It’s because your “self,” and our “selves,” very easily snowball into Idols of Self that grow and manifests into harmful behaviors.
In this week’s message, Pastor Krista Ortiz turns to the book of Esther to look at the story of the Persian political figure, Haman. Haman was a man who seemingly had it all, yet his self was still unsatisfied. His ego and pride drove him to great lengths and, ultimately, led to his demise.
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