From a young age, we all fall prey to the desire for “more.”
As young children, we want more toys, more candy, and more play time. It’s not uncommon to see children begging their parents for more of something despite having received plenty. Some parents have come to affectionately call this attitude “The Gimmes.”
“Gimme this!! Gimme that!! Gimme more!!”
Unfortunately – despite the best efforts of many parents – most of us never grow out of “The Gimmes.” The only difference is that rather than asking from our parents, we just go out and get it ourselves.
We get more, consume more, and chase after more. And this desire for more continues to grow in us until it grows into an idol…
The Idol of More.
That’s the topic of this week’s sermon in our SMASH THE IDOLS series. Pastor Ricky Ortiz shares a challenging word from James 4, but also outlines four steps we can take to break free from “the gimmes” and to smash the Idol of More in our lives!
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