Meta Co - Men's Ministry at Meta Church

On Friday, November 10th, 2023, we’re launching a brand new ministry for all of the men at Meta Church called Meta Co! We’ll share what “Co” stands for on the night of the event, but here’s what Meta Co. is about…

Meta Co. is more than just a community. This is about forging a tribe of men who are authentically committed to one another, dare each other to pursue greater, and strive to stretch their faith beyond the boundaries of what’s normal or commonplace. At every level, we want to see and experience deep transformation as chase after God and all of the things He has for us.

This is the start of something new and something important. And if you’re one of the men at Meta Church, you won’t want to miss it! RSVP is required so fill out the form below to let us know you’re coming!

Meta Co. RSVP

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